Banner Design For Featured Images

A featured image is the OG image url in the meta of your web page. In wordpress this is set easily by adding the featured image on the post editor. I am new to blogger and will shortly learn how to set the blogger featured image, though after looking around for the last 10 minutes I assume that the featured image may be the first image posted on the specific page.

That image must be 1200 x 600 px and if it is drawn is as the featured image then when this link is shared on Facebook and twitter that image will be displayed in LARGE format and perfectly sized with no cropping.

So look at the image. It basically tells you that by clicking on it you will discover how to create featured images that look great on social media and you will also get access to tools for creating the images.

People will click on the image if they are interested. Without the click here now button a lesser percentage of people would click. So that button increases traffic. It is essential to include it.

So that was it. Nice and simple. Make the image 1200 x 600 and tell people what they will get for visiting the site, then give them a button to click so that they can visit. Not exactly rocket science. 

Now for the free tools and resources part.

You will need image editing software. The best one that I have found so far for free is Gimp and you can download it at

Using gimp you can make some high quality text for your banners but you can also use to make some really attractive text. Just download what you create then drag and drop it to gimp.

Finally you will need some backgrounds. Here is a google search for backgrounds that you can legally use. If it does not show that the images are for reuse, then go to tools under the search bar and select usage then select labeled for reuse.

You can also search for the button to link to site with in the same way. Just make sure that you download a png transparent background button and then drop it onto your banner.

We can create your featured images for you. check out our banner designer services.


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